2019 U.S Commercial Van Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for Commercial Vans Sold in the United States

2019 Best Selling Commercial Vans In the United States (All Models Ranked)

The commercial van segment was down for the month of December. When you look at the segment over the course of the year, you’ll see that 2019 was a very good year for the segment. December was a bit of an outliner. The segment has seen strong sales numbers all year long. Not wildly strong, but consistent gains in most months. In December, however, the segment was down about 1,800 units. When you look at the year itself, you’ll see that sales rose by 56,000 units.

The Ford Transit is the segment leader by a long shot. It was up for both the month of December and the year. The next closest model is the Chevrolet Express van, and it didn’t even come close to Ford’s model in terms of volume.

Here Are The Most Popular Commercial Vans in the U.S for 2019

This data table looks at full year Commercial Van sales volumes in the United States by model. We compare U.S market Commercial Van model sales for the full year versus the full year last year.

Model Month Month LY Change YTD YTD LY YTD Change
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2019 U.S New Commercial Van Sales by Month (All Models)

This sales data table looks at monthly sales performance for the passenger car segment in the United States on a month to month basis for the entire year so far. It includes all major passenger car models sold in the U.S market and you can see that the monthly passenger car sales trends clearly. Seeing the individual passenger car model sales performance in this way gives you a good sense of the momentum (good or bad).