Portugal Car Sales Data

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Sales of New Cars In Portugal – Data, Trends, Charts & Analysis

Here you will find annual car sales figures for Portugal. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Since the late 1990s, the Portuguese car market has fluctuated between 110,000 and 410,000 annual sales. From a peak of just over 410,000 sales in 2000, the market collapsed to a low of just under 260,000 sales three years later. From 2004 to 2008 sales were relatively stable, but 2009 was another horror year with sales down by a quarter. 2010 offered a short relief with sales back up to the level from the years before, but then plummeted by 58% in two years time to a new low of just over 110,000 sales, similar to the figure of 1985. From that low of 2012, the market has recovered with double digit sales growth in 4 consecutive years, followed by more modest gains in 2017 and 2018 to return to the average of 260.000 annual sales. This six-year winning streak was broken in 2019 with a 2% decline.

Portugal Automotive Sales Data & Recent Highlights

As you can see, the Portuguese car sales market has been recovering in recent years. The market has been growing at an average annual growth rate of 8.9%.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to the recovery of the Portuguese car sales market. These include:

  • The economic recovery: The Portuguese economy has been recovering in recent years, which has led to an increase in disposable income.
  • The introduction of new incentives: The government has introduced a number of new incentives for car buyers, such as a reduction in VAT.
  • The increase in demand for SUVs: SUVs are becoming increasingly popular in Portugal, as they are seen as more practical and comfortable than sedans.

Despite the recovery, the Portuguese car sales market is expected to face some challenges in the coming years. These challenges include:

  • The rise in inflation: Inflation is rising in Portugal, which could make cars more expensive.
  • The shortage of semiconductors: The shortage of semiconductors is affecting the production of new cars, making it difficult to import cars into Portugal.
  • The increase in used car prices: The price of used cars has increased in recent years, making them more affordable than new cars.

Overall, the Portuguese car sales market is expected to remain positive in the coming years. However, there are some challenges that the market will need to address in order to maintain its growth.

Here are some of the trends in the Portuguese car sales market:

  • The increasing popularity of SUVs: SUVs are becoming increasingly popular in Portugal, as they are seen as more practical and comfortable than sedans. In 2022, SUVs accounted for 46.8% of new car registrations in Portugal. This is up from 43.1% in 2021.
  • The growing popularity of electric vehicles: Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular in Portugal, as the government offers incentives to encourage people to buy them. In 2022, electric vehicles accounted for 6.7% of new car registrations in Portugal. This is up from 5.0% in 2021.
  • The increasing popularity of online car buying: More and more people are buying cars online in Portugal. In 2022, 15.0% of new car purchases were made online. This is up from 12.0% in 2021. The convenience and flexibility of online car buying are driving its popularity.

These are just some of the trends in the Portuguese car sales market. The market is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

Interesting Portugal New Car Sales Stats

  • Best Sales Year Volume: 276,972 units sold
  • Worst Sales Year Volume: 95,309 units sold
  • Average Sales Per Year: 202,509.3 units sold
  • Total Sales Units (since 1990): 6,682,806 units sold

Portugal New Motor Vehicle Sales Table

Year Sales Growth
1990 210,924
1991 228,554 8.36
1992 276,972 21.18
1993 242,671 -12.38
1994 232,916 -4.02
1995 201,471 -13.50
1996 217,910 8.16
1997 213,636 -1.96
1998 248,398 16.27
1999 272,883 9.86
2000 257,836 -5.51
2001 255,210 -1.02
2002 226,092 -11.41
2003 189,792 -16.06
2004 197,645 4.14
2005 206,488 4.47
2006 194,702 -5.71
2007 201,816 3.65
2008 213,389 5.73
2009 161,013 -24.54
2010 223,464 38.79
2011 153,404 -31.35
2012 95,309 -37.87
2013 105,921 11.13
2014 142,826 34.84
2015 178,503 24.98
2016 207,345 16.16
2017 222,129 7.13
2018 228,327 2.79
2019 223,799 -1.98
2020 145,417 -35.02
2021 149,740 2.97
2022 156,304 4.38

Portugal New Motor Vehicle Sales Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.