Landwind Sales Figures – China Market

Monthly and Yearly Sales Figures for Landwind in China

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Landwind Sales Data, Trends & Analysis for the Chinese Automotive Market

Landwind is a brand of JMH (Jiangling Motor Holding), which is a Joint Venture of Changan Auto and Jiangling Motor since 2005. The brand produces and markets SUVs and minivans in China, and exports in very limited numbers to Europe.

Unfortunately, Landwind doesn’t specify its SUV sales by model, which means the monthly data includes sales of the Landwind X5, X8 and the infamous Range Rover Evoque clone X7. The latter was launched in August 2015, so looking at the rise in monthly volumes it’s safe to say it sells about 4.000 units a month. The Landwind X8 and X9 were launched in 2009 and the X5 in 2014.

Find sales figures for the Landwind Fashion, X6, Forward (Fenghua) and any other car model produced and sold in China since the early 2000’s.

Landwind China Sales Figures & Recent Highlights

Landwind is a product of a joint venture between two major Chinese automakers: Jiangling Motors Corporation (JMC) and Changan Automobile. Both companies have extensive experience in the Chinese automotive sector and collaborations with other international car manufacturers. Landwind’s lineup primarily includes SUVs and MPVs. These vehicles are positioned in the mid-range segment, targeting Chinese consumers looking for affordable yet modern vehicles.

Landwind has been the subject of controversy, particularly with its X7 SUV, which drew global attention for its striking resemblance to the Range Rover Evoque. This led to legal disputes over intellectual property rights and design copying. In addition to design-related criticisms, certain Landwind models have been scrutinized for safety concerns, especially after poor performance in crash tests.

Despite controversies, Landwind vehicles have found a market in China, especially among consumers seeking budget-friendly alternatives to more expensive international brands. However, the brand faces stiff competition from a plethora of other domestic manufacturers offering similar vehicles in the same price bracket.

Landwind Annual Sales, Growth and Market Share in China

Below we have a table that shows total Landwind sales volumes for the Chinese automotive market, broken out by year. This data captures all Landwind vehicle sales for the entire Chinese automotive market.

Year Sales Growth
2005 2
2006 30 1,400.00
2007 29 -3.33
2008 0 -100.00
2009 0 0.00
2010 0 0.00
2011 12 0.00
2012 33 175.00
2013 179 442.42
2014 6 -96.65

Landwind China Annual Sales Units & Growth Chart

Below is a visual representation of Landwind China sales units over time. We have both the Landwind sales units and the market share in the Chinese market. Click on the items in the legend to see each series by itself.

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.