Ireland Car Sales Data

Sales of New Cars In Ireland

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Sales of New Cars In Ireland – Data, Trends, Charts & Analysis

Here you will find annual car sales figures for Ireland. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Since the late 1990s, the Irish car market has fluctuated between 65,000 and 280,000 annual sales. From a peak of over 270,000 sales in 2000, the market fell back to 175,000 three years later, before recovering to almost 230,000 sales in 2007. In the next two years, the market collapsed by more than 70% to a new low of just 66,000 sales, and recovered quickly the next year. 2012 and 2013 were below 100,000 sales again, but between 2013 and 2016 car sales doubled in three years time, before dipping again for three straight years from 2017 to 2019. In recent years, LCV sales have typically made up around 15% of total car sales in Ireland but peaked at 17.8% in 2019.

Ireland Automotive Sales Data & Recent Highlights

The Ireland car sales market has been fluctuating in recent years. There was a sharp decline in sales in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the market has not yet fully recovered. There are a number of factors that have contributed to the volatility of the Ireland car sales market. These include the economic slowdown, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the chip shortage. The economic slowdown has led to a decrease in disposable income, which has made it difficult for people to afford cars. The COVID-19 pandemic has also disrupted the supply chain, making it difficult to import cars. And the chip shortage has affected the production of new cars.

The Top 5 Most Popular Automotive Brands in Ireland

The top 5 car brands sold in Ireland in 2022. These brands have been consistently popular in Ireland for many years. They offer a wide range of models to choose from, and they are known for their reliability and affordability.

  1. Toyota
  2. Volkswagen
  3. Skoda
  4. Kia
  5. Ford

Interesting Ireland New Car Sales Stats

  • Best Sales Year Volume: 230,795 units sold
  • Worst Sales Year Volume: 57,453 units sold
  • Average Sales Per Year: 120,955.8 units sold
  • Total Sales Units (since 2005): 3,991,540 units sold

Ireland New Motor Vehicle Sales Table

Year Sales Growth
1990 82,584
1991 68,440 -17.13
1992 68,415 -0.04
1993 64,161 -6.22
1994 80,402 25.31
1995 86,959 8.16
1996 115,199 32.48
1997 136,662 18.63
1998 145,702 6.61
1999 174,242 19.59
2000 230,795 32.46
2001 164,730 -28.62
2002 156,125 -5.22
2003 145,223 -6.98
2004 154,136 6.14
2005 171,742 11.42
2006 178,484 3.93
2007 186,325 4.39
2008 151,607 -18.63
2009 57,453 -62.10
2010 88,446 53.94
2011 89,911 1.66
2012 79,498 -11.58
2013 74,367 -6.45
2014 96,284 29.47
2015 124,804 29.62
2016 146,600 17.46
2017 131,332 -10.41
2018 125,557 -4.40
2019 117,109 -6.73
2020 88,324 -24.58
2021 104,669 18.51
2022 105,253 0.56

Ireland New Motor Vehicle Sales Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.