Ford Sales Figures Canada

Ford Sales Figures – Canadian Market

Monthly and Yearly Sales Figures for Ford in Canada

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Ford Sales Data, Trends, Analysis & Current Lineup for the Canadian Automotive Market

This is your hub for all of the Ford sales data for the Canadian market. Ford is also very successful in Canada. The company has been active in the country since 1907 after the Ford Motor Company of Canada was established. They even have three manufacturing facilities in the country which manufactures Ford automobiles and sell it Canada and the rest of the world.

Ford also the sells the same models in Canada as they do in the US. This time though, Ford is ahead of the rest of the competition as it is extremely popular among Canadians. Today, the Ford brand is dominating the Canadian car market for eleven consecutive years.

Ford Canada Sales Figures & Recent Highlights

As mentioned above, Ford has been dominating the Canadian market for eleven consecutive years. Sales are up for all of Ford-branded vehicles in the country and will continue to do so for the next couple of years. Their Ford F-Series is the best selling vehicle and best selling pickup in Canada. Sales of their other offerings such as the EcoSport, Edge, Expedition, Flex, Fusion, their commercial vehicles all increased by at least 4% according to a report released by the company in 2019.

Ford Canada sales have been declining in recent years. In 2020, Ford Canada sales were 261,000 units. In 2021, Ford Canada sales fell to 241,000 units. And in 2022, Ford Canada sales fell further to 221,000 units. Some new models like the electric F-150 Lightning, Ford’s first electric pickup truck are meant to drive growth.

Ford Annual Sales, Growth & Market Share in Canada

Below we have a table that shows total Ford sales volumes for the Canadian automotive market, broken out by year. This data captures all Ford vehicle sales for the entire Canadians automotive market.

Year Sales YOY Change Marketshare Marketshare Change
2012 269,813 0.00 16.20 0.00
2013 275,531 2.12 15.94 -1.63
2014 285,000 3.44 15.39 -3.58
2015 270,352 -5.14 14.48 -6.32
2016 296,125 9.53 15.20 4.75
2017 299,833 1.25 14.77 -2.88
2018 289,435 -3.47 14.56 -1.43
2019 280,612 -3.05 14.60 0.28
2020 232,194 -17.25 13.97 -4.51
2021 236,928 2.04 14.46 3.37
2022 0 -100.00 0.00 0.00

Ford Canada Annual Sales Units & Growth Chart

Below is a visual representation of Ford’s Canada sales units over time. We have both the Ford sales units and the growth in the Canadian market. Click on the items in the legend to see each series by itself.

Ford Canada Growth Rate & Market Share Chart

Below is the annual growth rate for the Ford brand in Canada, shown against the Ford’s marketshare changes in Canada. This gives you a good look into how Ford has faired against the other brands in terms of absolute sales and effect on marketshare. Click on the items in the legend to see each series by itself.