Czech-Republic Car Sales Data

Sales of New Cars In Czech-Republic

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Sales of New Cars In Czech-Republic – Data, Trends, Charts & Analysis

Here you will find annual car sales figures for Czech Republic. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Since the early 2000s, the Czech car market has fluctuated between 160,000 and 280,000 annual sales. The market increased from just over 160,000 sales in 2004 to a peak of just over 200,000 sales 4 years later, then dipped back to 176,000 sales in 2013, but has recovered sharply since and has broken its volume records four consecutive years, from 2014 to 2017 before slightly declining in 2018. In recent years, LCV sales typically make up around 7% of total car sales in the Czech Republic. In contrast with most of the rest of Europe, the share of LCV sales decreased in 2017, but recovered in 2018.

Czech-Republic Automotive Sales Data & Recent Highlights

Czech-Republic New Motor Vehicle Sales Table

Year Passenger Cars Light Commercial Sales Growth
2003 152,981.0 14,566.0 167,547
2004 143,622.0 17,186.0 160,808 -4.02
2005 151,699.0 15,926.0 167,625 4.24
2006 156,686.0 16,185.0 172,871 3.13
2007 174,456.0 19,534.0 193,990 12.22
2008 182,554.0 20,269.0 202,823 4.55
2009 167,708.0 13,007.0 180,715 -10.90
2010 169,580.0 11,221.0 180,801 0.05
2011 173,595.0 12,942.0 186,537 3.17
2012 173,988.0 11,840.0 185,828 -0.38
2013 164,746.0 11,658.0 176,404 -5.07
2014 192,314.0 13,215.0 205,529 16.51
2015 230,857.0 17,300.0 248,157 20.74
2016 259,693.0 19,239.0 278,932 12.40
2017 271,595.0 19,398.0 290,993 4.32
2018 261,437.0 20,225.0 281,662 -3.21
2019 249,915.0 20,436.0 270,351 -4.02
2020 202,971.0 17,141.0 220,112 -18.58

Czech-Republic New Motor Vehicle Sales Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.