Cyprus Car Sales Data

Sales of New Cars In Cyprus

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Annual Sales Data (Table)
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Sales of New Cars In Cyprus – Data, Trends, Charts & Analysis

Here you will find annual car sales figures for Cyprus. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Since the mid-2000s, the Cyprus car market has fluctuated between 8,000 and 30,000 annual sales. The market peaked in 2008 at over 29,000 sales before declining by more than a third in 2009 and further declines in the next four years. The market lost almost half of its volume in 2012 and 2013, to reach a low of just 8,000 sales, just over a quarter of its volume of five years earlier. From then on, car sales in Cypres showed three consecutive years of double digit increases to almost double up in three years time, but 2016 volume is still at half of its peak.

Cyprus Automotive Sales Data & Recent Highlights

Cyprus New Motor Vehicle Sales Table

Year Sales Growth
2005 17,687
2006 18,639 5.38
2007 22,878 22.74
2008 22,241 -2.78
2009 14,981 -32.64
2010 14,088 -5.96
2011 13,480 -4.32
2012 10,123 -24.90
2013 7,000 -30.85
2014 8,276 18.23
2015 10,344 24.99
2016 12,643 22.23
2017 13,127 3.83
2018 13,135 0.06
2019 12,438 -5.31
2020 11,638 -6.43

Cyprus New Motor Vehicle Sales Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.