2018 China SUV Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for SUVs Sold in China

2018 Best Selling SUVs In China (All Models Ranked)

The SUV segment in China, although demonstrating an overall growth trend for several preceding years, started showing signs of a slowdown in 2018. Nonetheless, it remained a significant segment in the Chinese automotive landscape. The explosive growth rates of SUV sales seen in previous years started to moderate in 2018. While the segment still exhibited growth, it wasn’t as pronounced as in prior years. Chinese consumers remained favorable toward domestic SUV brands, which offered competitive pricing, improved build quality, and features that catered specifically to local preferences.

Compact and subcompact SUVs gained more traction, especially in urban areas. Their size made them suitable for city conditions, while still offering the elevated driving position and space that consumers desired. Aligned with the Chinese government’s push for New Energy Vehicles (NEVs), there was an uptick in interest and sales for electric and hybrid SUV models. The rejuvenation and refreshment of sedan models by many manufacturers led to intensified competition between sedans and SUVs.

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