2017 China SUV Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for SUVs Sold in China

2017 Best Selling SUVs In China (All Models Ranked)

In 2017, the SUV segment in China continued its rapid ascent, becoming a crucial component of the country’s automotive landscape. Chinese consumers increasingly favored SUVs over traditional sedans, a trend that mirrored global preferences but was particularly pronounced in China. SUV sales continued to grow at an impressive rate, further solidifying the SUV segment’s dominance in the Chinese market. Urban consumers, in particular, favored the higher driving position, perceived safety, and status associated with SUVs.

Chinese domestic brands held a strong position in the SUV segment. Many of these brands managed to offer competitive pricing, modern designs, and improved quality, which resonated well with local consumers. Compact and subcompact SUVs became increasingly popular due to their suitability for congested urban environments, combining the benefits of an SUV with the practicality of a smaller footprint. Both domestic and international automakers released a slew of new SUV models in 2017 to capture a share of this booming market segment.

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