2020 China Passenger Car Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for Passenger Cars Sold in China

2020 Best Selling Passenger Cars In China (All Models Ranked)

In 2020, the Chinese passenger car market faced unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the global automotive sector. China, being the initial epicenter of the outbreak, witnessed a significant impact on its automotive industry. However, as the year progressed and China managed to control the spread of the virus, the market began to show signs of recovery.

The first quarter of 2020 saw a sharp decline in passenger car sales due to the pandemic and the associated lockdown measures. However, starting from the second quarter, as the situation in China stabilized, there was a strong recovery, and by the end of the year, China’s auto market was one of the few globally to register positive growth.

Maintaining its stronghold in the Chinese market, Volkswagen’s Lavida and Sagitar remained popular choices among consumers. Models like the Toyota Corolla and the Camry continued their strong performance, and Toyota managed to further strengthen its foothold, especially with its hybrid offerings. With models like the Civic and Accord, Honda remained a top choice for many Chinese consumers. As a leading domestic brand, Geely’s Emgrand series and Boyue maintained their popularity, reflecting the brand’s strategy to combine affordability with advanced features.

Here Are The Most Popular Passenger Cars in China for 2020

This data table looks at full year passenger car sales volumes in China by model. We compare China market passenger car model sales for the full year versus the full year last year.

Model Month Month LY Change This Year Sales Last Year Sales YTD Change
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