BYD Qin Plus Sales Figures

BYD Qin Plus Sales Data & Trends

Sales figures for the BYD Qin Plus in China. The Qin Plus is a replacement of the BYD Qin. The Qin Plus is available with a plug-in hybrid powertrain.

BYD Qin Plus China Sales Data & Charts

by Month

Month 2021 Sales 2022 Sales
January 106 25535
February 347 22508
March 2509 22942
April 5164 20292
May 8805 17943
June 13541 23169
July 16753 30093
August 20676 33688
September 23560 33958
October 25908 29593
November 28151
December 24287

by Year

Year Sales
2021 169807
2022 259721