Belgium Car Sales Data

Sales of New Cars In Belgium

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Annual Sales Data (Table)
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Sales of New Cars In Belgium – Data, Trends, Charts & Analysis

Belgium is located in Western Europe and is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the southwest, and the North Sea to the northwest. With a population of more than 11.5 million this small country is the 22nd most densely populated country in the world.

With an educated workforce and a strongly globalized economy with a central location in Europe, it is hub.

Here you will find annual car sales figures for Belgium. These statistics are Total Market Volumes, which include passenger cars as well as light commercial vehicles (LCVs).

Since the late 1990s, the Belgian car market has been relatively steady between 500.000 and 640.000 annual sales, averaging around 550.000 with no huge fluctuations except for 2009, 2010 and 2012. The market peaked in 2011 at over 636.000 units, before quickly returning to its normal levels the next year and stabilizing in the following years. LCV sales typically make up just over 10% of total car sales in Belgium, but have been as high as 12,9% in recent years.

Belgium Automotive Sales Data & Recent Highlights

The Belgium car sales market has been declining in recent years. The decline was most pronounced in 2020, when sales fell by due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a slowdown in the global economy and a decline in demand for cars. The market has started to recover in recent years, but the growth has been slow. There are a number of factors that are contributing to the slow growth of the Belgium car sales market. These include the high cost of cars, the increasing popularity of public transportation, and the growing environmental concerns about the use of cars.

Despite the slow growth, the Belgium car sales market is expected to remain stable in the coming years. The market is expected to be driven by the increasing demand for electric vehicles. The government is also investing in infrastructure projects, which will make it easier to get around without a car.

Interesting Belgium New Car Sales Stats

  • Best Sales Year Volume: 572,211 units sold
  • Worst Sales Year Volume: 358,686 units sold
  • Average Sales Per Year: 473,236.8 units sold
  • Total Sales Units (since 1990): 15,616,814 units sold

Top 5 Most Popular Automotive Brands In Belgium

The top 5 car brands sold in Belgium. These brands have been consistently popular in Belgium for many years. They offer a wide range of models to choose from, and they are known for their quality and performance.

  1. BMW
  2. Volkswagen
  3. Mercedes-Benz
  4. Audi
  5. Peugeot

Belgium New Motor Vehicle Sales Table

Year Sales Growth
1990 437,506
1991 462,125 5.63
1992 466,194 0.88
1993 375,409 -19.47
1994 387,348 3.18
1995 358,686 -7.40
1996 397,359 10.78
1997 396,240 -0.28
1998 452,129 14.10
1999 489,621 8.29
2000 515,204 5.23
2001 488,683 -5.15
2002 467,569 -4.32
2003 458,796 -1.88
2004 484,757 5.66
2005 480,088 -0.96
2006 526,141 9.59
2007 524,795 -0.26
2008 535,947 2.13
2009 476,194 -11.15
2010 547,340 14.94
2011 572,211 4.54
2012 486,737 -14.94
2013 486,065 -0.14
2014 482,939 -0.64
2015 501,066 3.75
2016 539,519 7.67
2017 546,558 1.30
2018 549,632 0.56
2019 550,008 0.07
2020 424,492 -22.82
2021 383,123 -9.75
2022 366,333 -4.38

Belgium New Motor Vehicle Sales Chart

Sources: Manufacturers, ANDC, JATO Dynamics.