2022 Worldwide Passenger Car Sales (by Country & Region)

In 2022, some 56.5 million passenger cars were sold globally

Global Car Sales & Rankings by Region & Country for 2022

In 2022, some 56.5 million passenger cars were sold globally, up by about 1.9 percent year-on-year. At nearly 23.6 million units, China was the world’s largest regional market for automobiles in 2022. For 2022, we have only got data on the top 57 markets which is why our data may differ from other sources.

The indicator estimates the number of new passenger car registrations and sales that took place within a country in a year. Passenger cars are road motor vehicles, other than a motor cycle, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).

2022 Top Level Stats for Global Car Sales

The average for 2022 based on 57 countries was 988,604 passenger cars. The highest value was in China: 23,563,287 passenger cars and the lowest value was in Bulgaria: 28,684 passenger cars.

  • Total Car Sales for 2021: 56,350,482 – Globally
  • Top Ranked Country Sales: 23,563,287 – China
  • Lowest Ranked Country Sales: 28,684 – Bulgaria
  • Average Country Sales: 988,604.9
  • Number of Countries in Analysis: 57

2022 Passenger Car Sales by Region

Region Sales Units Growth
Europe 12,370,231 -9.95
Asia 36,263,116 8.78
Africa 640,818 -4.88
North America 3,604,020 -15.72
South America 2,578,275 3.00
Australia / Oceania 894,022 3.41

2022 Region Share of Total Global Sales

List of Countries by Motor Vehicle Production for 2022

It’s important to note that the specific sales figures and rankings may vary slightly depending on the source, as data can differ between different market research firms and organizations. For this analysis, we have used OICA data.

Countries Sales Units Rank Growth
China 23,563,287 1 9.69
India 3,792,356 2 23.04
Japan 3,448,297 3 -6.19
USA 2,858,575 4 -14.67
Germany 2,651,357 5 1.11
UK 1,614,063 6 -2.01
Brazil 1,576,666 7 1.17
France 1,532,035 8 -7.65
South Korea 1,420,486 9 -3.29
Italy 1,316,919 10 -9.59
Spain 813,374 11 -5.36
Indonesia 783,563 12 18.76
Australia 777,688 13 3.24
Russia 629,923 14 -57.54
Turkey 592,660 15 5.48
Malaysia 544,838 16 20.36
Saudi Arabia 519,485 17 9.17
Mexico 486,962 18 -6.37
Poland 419,749 19 -6.02
Taiwan 375,841 20 -1.61
Belgium 366,333 21 -4.38
South Africa 363,696 22 19.50
Thailand 343,349 23 9.98
Netherlands 313,609 24 -3.31
Chile 313,589 25 3.14
Sweden 288,087 26 -4.29
Vietnam 283,352 27 36.43
Argentina 260,876 28 7.97
Canada 258,483 29 -19.38
Israel 257,743 30 -5.47
Philippines 226,403 31 25.33
Switzerland 226,006 32 -5.23
Austria 215,050 33 -10.32
Colombia 208,160 34 3.61
Czechia 192,087 35 -7.15
Pakistan 188,318 36 -5.33
Norway 174,329 37 -1.10
UA Emirates 171,414 38 9.33
Portugal 156,304 39 4.38
Uzbekistan 153,750 40 11.11
Denmark 148,293 41 -19.98
Morocco 143,265 42 -7.14
Egypt 133,857 43 -37.76
Romania 127,948 44 5.91
Peru 118,915 45 6.71
New Zealand 116,334 46 4.52
Hungary 111,524 47 -8.53
Greece 105,283 48 4.33
Ireland 105,253 49 0.56
Ecuador 100,069 50 15.37
Kazakhstan 97,169 51 -3.41
Kuwait 93,465 52 11.99
Finland 81,674 53 -17.07
Slovakia 78,841 54 4.15
Croatia 42,955 55 -4.39
Ukraine 37,891 56 -63.31
Bulgaria 28,684 57 16.90

2022 Worldwide Passenger Car Sales by Country

This visual tree-chart shows the relative size of the global car market and how each country fairs in terms of market share size. As you can see, the big five countries make up a huge part of the global car market.

Top 30 New Car Markets for 2022

China continued to grow its gap over other car markets, with almost 10% growth and close to 24 million cars sold. India saw a big surge up the ladder to take second place, with 3.8 million cars sold and over 23% growth year on year. Japan was the third largest market, edging out the United States that showed softness. The rest of the top 30 jumped around quite a bit in 2022 as supply chain issues and changes in local markets and capital cycles impacted sales.

Source: OICA