2021 Europe Passenger Car Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for Passenger Cars Sold in Europe

2021 Best Selling Passenger Cars In Europe (All Models Ranked)

As of my last training cut-off in January 2022, the complete data for European car sales for the entirety of 2021 might not be available. However, I can provide a snapshot based on the trends and data available up until that point. The European automotive market began to show signs of recovery in 2021 after the severe impacts of the pandemic in 2020. While sales were still below pre-pandemic levels, there was a noticeable upswing in registrations as economies reopened and consumer confidence began to rebuild.

The global semiconductor shortage, which began in 2020, continued to impact the automotive industry in 2021. This led to production slowdowns, delivery delays, and longer waiting times for customers.

The Volkswagen Golf continued to be a mainstay in the European market, holding onto its top spot. The Renault Clio consistently remained a top contender, with its blend of style, efficiency, and affordability. Building on the momentum from the previous year, the Peugeot 208, especially its electric e-208 version, remained popular. With its hybrid option and a reputation for reliability, theToyota Yaris continued to see strong sales.

Here Are The Most Popular Passenger Cars in Europe for 2021

This data table looks at full year passenger car sales volumes in Europe by model. We compare European market passenger car model sales for the full year versus the full year last year.

Model Month Month LY Change This Year Sales Last Year Sales YTD Change
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Source: Automakers & ANDC