2020 Europe Passenger Car Sales Figures By Model (With Rankings)

Sales Figures & Rankings for Passenger Cars Sold in Europe

2020 Best Selling Passenger Cars In Europe (All Models Ranked)

2020 was a turbulent year for the global automotive industry, and Europe was no exception. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown measures drastically affected car sales. The pandemic resulted in factory shutdowns, disrupted supply chains, and a significant decline in consumer demand. Many dealerships were closed for weeks, if not months, due to lockdown measures. Overall, the European car market saw a substantial decline in registrations, with sales dropping by approximately 24% compared to 2019.

While all European countries experienced a drop in car sales, the magnitude varied. Spain and Italy, two of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, saw some of the most significant declines. Despite the overall downturn in sales, electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) saw significant growth. Government incentives in countries like Germany and France, coupled with an increasing awareness about environmental issues, drove a surge in EV sales. New entries like the Tesla Model 3 and the Volkswagen ID.3 added momentum to this trend.

SUVs and crossovers maintained their popularity. Apart from established models like the Tiguan, newer entrants such as the Ford Puma gained traction.

Here Are The Most Popular Passenger Cars in Europe for 2020

This data table looks at full year passenger car sales volumes in Europe by model. We compare European market passenger car model sales for the full year versus the full year last year.

Model Month Month LY Change This Year Sales Last Year Sales YTD Change
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Source: Automakers & ANDC