2019 Canada Auto Sales Figures – By Manufacturer (Automaker Rankings)

2019 Canada Automotive Sales by Automaker – The Best-Selling Automotive Manufacturers By Sales Volume

Vehicle sales in Canada didn’t exactly end the year on a high note. More companies saw sales decline than saw sales increase. When you look at the sales numbers for 2019 as a whole, there were actually only three companies that saw sales rise. Those three companies were Toyota, Hyundai/Kia Auto Group, and Volvo. These three automakers tended to see strong sales all year long. With sales trending down at the end of 2019, we fully expect 2020 to get off to a slow start. There’s always the chance that other automakers will be able to see sales rise in upcoming months, but in general, we expect most automakers to continue to see sales slip. Volvo, Hyundai, and Toyota will likely continue to see sales increase, at least in the short term. Of all of the automakers out there, Volvo has the most positive momentum. The car company doesn’t sell anywhere near the highest volume, but it has seen continuous growth, and its models are well regarded by consumers and critics. It’ll be interesting to see how 2020 progresses.

2019 Best Selling Automakers in Canada

This data table looks at last month’s total automotive brand volumes in Canada by model. We compare Canadian automotive brand sales with last year. While we call it “year to date” sales, because the year is over, it is for the full sales year. With these sales numbers we also calculate a growth rate column so you can better gauge an individual automotive brands sales success in the Canadian market.

2019 Automaker Market Share Dynamics in Canada

This data table looks at total automotive sales and specific brand volumes in Canada. We compare Canadian automotive brand sales with last year. While we call it “year to date” sales, because the year is over, it is for the full sales year. With these sales numbers we also calculate a growth rate column so you can better gauge an individual automotive brands sales success in the Canadian market.

2019 vs 2018 Canada Automaker Sales Comparison

This chart simply takes each brand and compares their year to date sales with the year to date sales for the same time last year. Brands where the current bar is lower than the prior year bar have seen declines in sales year on year whereas brands with a larger current bar and lower prior bar are seeing growth in volumes year on year.

2019 Automaker Canada Sales Growth Analysis

This chart might seem a little complicated at first but once you understand it is very helpful. First, the size of the area for each brand refers to their market share (i.e size). The bigger the circle the larger the brand in terms of sales volumes (YTD). The position of the circle in the chart along the left axis looks at the year to date growth of that brand. The higher the brand is on the chart, the more year to date growth it is seeing in sales volumes. Along the bottom axis you can see the total volumes shipped by that brand year to date.

Source: Automakers & ANDC